EWI Tool 2 Released
Stephen Merrony has released EWI Tool 2 for Windows, OS X, and GNU/Linux. You can grab a copy here. Go check it out!
Site dedicated to EWI (Akai, Roland, Yamaha and others)
Stephen Merrony has released EWI Tool 2 for Windows, OS X, and GNU/Linux. You can grab a copy here. Go check it out!
Steve Merrony has released the first public beta of EWI Tool 2 (rewritten in Java) to the internet Please see https://github.com/SMerrony/EWItool2/wiki/Using-EWItool before installing and using this release. OS X users please note especially prerequisite number 4. The jar file below should run on all modern versions of Windows, OS X and Linux providing that the…
A couple of months ago, Stephen Merrony, the creator of the free EWI4000s patch editor announced he was going to rewrite the thing in Java. While still not idea, Java is worlds better than whatever it was written in (QT?). Now he is looking for people to test out a beta of it. If you…
This is pretty interesting
I have been playing the 4000 for just about a year. Can someone help me with the best ways to ensure that I don’t get “strange and unexpected” attack sounds as I move through the octaves while playing. I seems that my thumb is never properly? Any ideas on the best technique? Thanks!
I own a 2000 module and Patchman refuses to tinker with mine. All I wish to have done is to tweak the patches so they all run smooth. Does anyone know of any other source that can troubleshoot one of these units?
I’ve become fascinated with DYI instruments and synths. This one is really freaking neat. Wonder how cool that would be to hook up to an EWI? Crowminus: A Synthesizer Story Crowminius: A Synthesizer Story – Demo
About 6 months ago, there was an Indiegogo drive for a Wireless Midi interface. It got funded in June.
“Let your old but good digital piano shine again by connecting your iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth wireless MIDI interface.”
Basically, it takes the voltage that is being transmitted on the midi ports and uses that to convert it to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Which means this little $45 thing you plug in will allow you to talk to your iPad, iPhone, Mac or anything that supports Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4).
So, how does this work with an EWI?
So, after all the work I did getting the battery clip thing, the batteries somehow shorted out and basically melted the battery area in my EWI4000s. The EWI still works fine using the AC Power adapter, but battery part is totally useless. I suppose I could call up Akai again and see if I could…