Ok, I just gotta wonder how big these ladies are. I mean, the EWI looks HUGE on them.
Author: ericdano
Introduction to Environments in Logic
Great tutorial about Logic 9’s environment Understanding Logic Pro’s Environment from AUDIOTUTS Video on Vimeo.
Gordon Goodwin on the Arts
Bravo sir. Bravo.
Michael Brecker’s Logic Environment
I was trying to clean out a folder on my Mac with a ton of PDFs, and came across a PDF that was from an article from the ill-fated Virtual Instruments Magazine. I’m pretty sure I have the article scanned and saved SOMEWHERE, but as I remember it detailed sort of the magical environment Michael…
We live in an awesome age. We have little 4 inch devices that are more powerful than computers that were made less than 8 years ago. Now, there is this very interesting instrument, an Artiphon. CNN had an article on it: Is it a guitar? Is it a piano? Nope, it is a crazy iPhone-powered…
Wichita Lineman/Alistair Parnell
Some excellent playing here. Check out Alistair’s site as well.
Launch Equity Acquires MakeMusic
Launch Equity Acquires MakeMusic: Today, MakeMusic announced that Launch Equity will purchase the company. You can read MakeMusic’s press release here. Launch Equity proposed the buyout last July (July 15, 2012), with the intent of taking the company private and then investing money into the company for a new CEO as well as updating software…
EWITool for Mac OS X
If you use an EWI 4000S and HATE the seemly abandoned Vyzex editor for it? Fear NOT fellow EWI players, Joseph Sheedy has come to the rescue. He has successfully compiled and released a build of the EWITool for OS X. And it works….though it is a little wonky. The interface is a little weird,…
Getting Missing Parts For An EWI
Somewhere, I lost the middle piece in the picture. The clip in part where you put the batteries into. I’ve contacted Akai once or twice, and they will send the clip in part, but not the metal connector part. Seems like that is a separate part that screws into it. Anyone have any ideas on…
Jeff Kashiwa + EWI4000S + iPhone
The Woodwind and the Brasswind has a little subsection on their site that they call “What The Pros Play”. And they have an article with multi-instrumentalist Jeff Kashiwa (of the Rippingtons). It starts with what he plays on and subsequent links to those instruments on the wwbw.com site. Towards the end, there are some fabulous…