October 18, 2024

Seems like this happened over the summer (first I have heard about it) but Akai has discontinued the EWI 4000s. Though no where on their website do they indicate this. But a number of dealers are reporting it is so.

I am of two minds of this. While I LOVE my EWI 4000s, with it’s great analog synth engine, the EWI 5000 offers a number of interesting improvements (wireless, rechargeable battery, etc). My “beef” with the 5000 is that it just doesn’t sound like an “EWI”. You don’t sound like Brecker with it. You sound like you are trying (and generally failing) to be whatever SAMPLE you are playing. Flute, clarinet, harmonica, whatever.

Now, if they come out with an EWI 6000 that marries the 4000s and 5000s together, I’d buy one.

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